[1]孙鹏崴,王 俊,王树军,等.基于 MATLAB GUI 的图像处理系统的设计[J].计算机技术与发展,2022,32(04):215-220.[doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1673-629X. 2022. 04. 037]
 SUN Peng-wei,WANG Jun,WANG Shu-jun,et al.Design of Image Processing System Based on MATLAB GUI[J].,2022,32(04):215-220.[doi:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1673-629X. 2022. 04. 037]

基于 MATLAB GUI 的图像处理系统的设计()




Design of Image Processing System Based on MATLAB GUI
孙鹏崴12 王 俊3 王树军12 李亚丽12 徐平平12
1. 南京工业大学浦江学院 计算机与通信工程学院,江苏 南京 211200;
2. 东南大学 移动通信国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210096;
3. 福州大学 电气工程与自动化学院,福建 福州 350108
SUN Peng-wei12 WANG Jun3 WANG Shu-jun12 LI Ya-li12 XU Ping-ping12
1. School of Computer and Communication Engineering,Pujiang College,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211200,China;
2. National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;
3. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China
digital image processingdemonstration systemalgorithm visual columnMATLABgraphical user interface
TP317. 4;G434
10. 3969 / j. issn. 1673-629X. 2022. 04. 037
数字图像处理课程涉及面广, 需要掌握的知识多,但是目前现有的数字图像处理实验系统内容繁多, 结构比较复杂,传统的直接在命令行进行编程的方法在教学直观性方面表现较差,学生很难深入研究并理解其中的原理,不适合学生进行初级阶段的学习。 因此为了提高学生对“ 数字图像处理”课程的学习兴趣,提高老师的教学质量,在 MATLAB 环境下,利用图形用户接口 ( graphic user interface,GUI) 设计并开发了这一图像处理演示系统。 系统涵盖了数字图像处理课程的主要内容,分别为图像变换、图像增强、图像滤波、边缘检测和图像分割等五大部分,实现了图像处理的可视化操作,另外该系统创建了算法可视栏,将抽象的代码进行集成对比,让学生可以更直观地看到代码对图像处理的过程。 该实验平台界面友好, 可交互性强,学生可根据需求进行代码的修改。 设计结果表明,该系统对图像的处理效果良好,化抽象为直观,可以起到更好地辅助教师授课、帮助学生学习的作用。
Digital image processing courses cover a wide range of areas and need to master a lot of knowledge. However,the existing digital image processing experimental systems have many contents and complex structures. The traditional method of programming directly on the command line is poor in terms of intuitive teaching,and it is difficult for students to deeply study and understand the principles,which is not suitable for students to study in the primary stage. Therefore,in order to improve the students’ interest in the course of digital image processing and improve the teaching quality of teachers,under the environment of MATLAB,the image processing demonstration system is designed and developed by using graphical user interface ( graphic user interface,GUI) . The system covers the main contents of the digital image processing course, which? is divided into five parts: image transformation, image enhancement, image filtering,edge detection and image segmentation,and realizes the visual operation of image processing. In addition,the system creates an algorithm visual bar to integrate and compare the abstract code,so that students can see the process of image processing more intuitively.The experimental platform has a friendly interface and strong interaction,and students can modify the code according to their needs. The design results show that the system is effective on image processing, abstraction into intuition, and can play a better role in assisting teachers to teach,help students to learn.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-04-10